A Systematic and Structured Approach to Web Development

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The Sitemap Phase

Step 1

Determining Site Structure

Step 2

Developing Page Layout


Design Directions

Step 3

Initial Design Concepts

Step 4

The Design

Visual Design


Step 5

Building the Website

Step 6

Our Pre-Launch Checklist

100+ Steps, including:

Pre-Launch Checklist

after launch

Distinctive Post-Launch Support

Free Bug Fixes

Did one of your guests spot an error we overlooked? Worry not. Corrections for any glitches are complimentary for the initial 30 days following deployment.

Free Training

Endless permanent entry to our collection of instructional videos, enabling you to educate your team on managing and modifying your website. 

2 Free Hours of Development

Now that your website has gone live, you might reconsider certain aspects. We provide two hours of complimentary development services for such adjustments. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Our expertise spans a broad range of industries, with a client base that primarily includes Software as a Service, Business-to-Business/Professional Services, E-Commerce, Healthcare, Government, and Nonprofit organizations. We are adaptable and have experience working with virtually every business sector.

Our go-to platform for website development is WordPress, known for its robust content management capabilities. While we’re flexible with your choice of hosting providers, we’re also ready to suggest options if you haven’t settled on one.

Our focus is solely on crafting top-tier websites. We’ve chosen not to diversify into other marketing services so we can concentrate on delivering exceptional website design and development.

We prioritize your website’s integrity by using a staging environment for all changes. This approach keeps your live site stable and unaffected until the new design is fully ready to be launched.

Our project management is structured around distinct phases and milestones, each with set timelines. Your feedback is integral at every stage, ensuring the final product aligns with your vision in both aesthetics and functionality.

Generally, our projects are completed within a 3-week timeframe, provided there are no hold-ups on your end. The duration can vary depending on the project’s size and complexity.

We ask our clients to reserve roughly 30 minutes to an hour each week for reviewing progress and providing feedback. Deliverables are consistently ready by Friday, allowing you to plan your review sessions conveniently for the following Monday.
Our team operates entirely remotely, with no fixed headquarters. We have professionals spread across North America, Europe, and Asia, allowing us to cater to a global clientele.
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